woensdag 25 september 2013

Skinny Fiber Customer Reviews

Cyndi Mesa-Paredes

I hate pictures, so this was very hard for me to post! I began taking Skinny Fiber in June, but did not take it like I was supposed to.

Basically, whenever I remembered (2-3 times a week). I decided at the end of July, I was going to get serious and give this product my all. This is me at 5 weeks of taking Skinny Fiber faithfully… 15lbs down. I have not tracked my inches, but I know I’ve lost in my midsection. I don’t count calories or exercise. I just drink my water and try to make healthier eating choices.

I am still a work in progress, but I have never found anything this easy before. I feel so much better about myself. I can’t wait to see what my progress will be after 90 days.

Denise Loring

This is Denise and this is my 90 day update.

I hope you can see the changes, I sure do feel them. My 90 days were up on Sunday, September 15, 2013. I have lost 22 pounds and I do not know how many inches as I did not measure. I have tried so many things before that I just did not think this one would work either. Luckily, I did take some pictures.

It looks as thought I am wearing the same clothes and the shirt is the same, but the pants have gone from a very tight size Women's 20 that probably should have been a size 22, but I just would not go there. The ones in the after pictures are still a Women's but they are a size 18 and are getting looser everyday!

I have had IBS, Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, Hypo-Thyroid, DegenerativeDisc Disease with Sciatic Nerve issues, chronic allergies, depression, and many other ailments that just made life difficult.

As of today, I am no longer taking anything for my allergy problem and I am weaning myself off my last prescription pain medicine, and will be completely off by the weekend. I have been able to decrease my Thyroid medicine and the Doctor said if things continue that in a couple weeks when I go in he will be decreasing my Blood Pressure medicine too. My IBS is gone and I have so much energy, I feel the best I have in several years!

I am so happy that I found Skinny Fiber! It has changed my life and I will be using this product for the rest of my life just for the health benefits.

So what are you waiting for? The only thing you have to lose is weight and inches!

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