woensdag 2 oktober 2013

Skinny Fiber Weight Loss Testimonials

Daphne D'Ann Weber

The first pic was my 90 day end date. I was 172 lbs. The second pic is today (about a month later) and I am 166 lbs.

Kevin M Emery

Here is an update to MY story! When I started my journey I weighed 308 at my heaviest! I HATED life! I signed up for a weight loss challenge at work and then a week and a half later I saw my sister had started to use this stuff called Skinny Fiber and she was seeing results. 

I did my research and studied up on the ingredients and what it does to help you lose weight and inches. So after a week of reading I decided to get some and also become a distributor and I am so happy I did and that was July 14th. 

At work I ended up being 1 of the biggest losers and lost 2.9 % body fat! It's so awesome to hear someone say "WOW Kevin you're looking good!" My wife tells me all the time that I'm wasting away to nothing, which feels amazing! 

If you've been pondering getting Skinny Fiber and wondering if it will work... I'm living proof! I've had ups and downs while using it, but it has come back to my diet. There was a week or so that I ate everything that I should NOT have eaten and I put on weight. 

So then I buckled down and watched what I ate and lost that weight again! I'm proud to say that I've lost 28 pounds and 21.25 inches. I'm not done yet! I want to get my weight down to 245 and maintain that weight!

So far one of my biggest victories has been putting on a shirt that was given to me by my step mother a few years ago at Christmas and I was NEVER able to button it well. NOW I can put it on and actually wear it, which I am so excited for! So if you've been thinking about getting Skinny Fiber just go for it with the money back guarantee you have NOTHING to lose except for that extra fat and weight and unhappiness. I know I will always be a Skinny Fiber user and I will ALWAYS be here to help anyone who wants to get healthier!

Don't wait just click on the website and get your Skinny Fiber and take the 90 Day Challenge!

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